Tag Archives: dogs

K’lee and Dale’s Cosmic Photo Challenge…

Good morning folks, welcome to a new week and a new chapter in K’lee and Dale’s Cosmic Photo Challenge, the antidote to the Monday blues.

K’lee set the theme on Friday, leaving us the prompt; Man’s best friend, which I chose to interpret by sharing some fairly straightforward pictures of my late lamented canine companion, Karla.

The first half dozen of this magnificent seven were taken by yours truly, but the final image is one originally taken by friend and resident blog-toonist, Ho. I’ve just mucked about with it a bit.

I’ve posted a link to K’lee’s photo HERE, now let me see what you have to offer.


To get involved with the challenge, post a photo to your blog on Monday, add a pingback to this post (or to K’lee’s) and don’t forget to tag your post #CosPhoChal.

Alternatively, add a link to your blog in the comments of either mine or K’lee’s post and we’ll come and check out your entry.

Any and all effects, editing, Photoshop, Instagram, morphing, collages or whatever other post production techniques you fancy are permitted, (in fact, they’re actively encouraged!) so get creative and turn your photos into artworks for the Cosmic Photo Challenge.



Posted by on October 24, 2016 in Arts, Photography


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Cosmic Photo prompt…

It’s Friday! 

Which is great, obviously, but it also means that it’s time for K’lee and Dale’s Cosmic Photo prompt, today set by K’lee with the simple insistence that your photo for Monday includes; Man’s best friend.

Well, I’m going to have to trawl the archives for this one, because I have plenty of material that fits the bill.

How about you, do you have what it takes to participate? 

Because all it takes is a camera and your imagination.

See you on Monday.



To get involved with the challenge, post a photo to your blog on Monday, add a pingback to this post (or to K’lee’s) and don’t forget to tag your post #CosPhoChal.

Alternatively, add a link to your blog in the comments of either mine or K’lee’s post and we’ll come and check out your entry.
Any and all effects, editing, Photoshop, Instagram, morphing, collages or whatever other post production techniques you fancy are permitted, (in fact, they’re actively encouraged!) so get creative and turn your photos into artworks for the Cosmic Photo Challenge.



Posted by on October 21, 2016 in Arts, Blogging, Photography


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Dog days 6. (occasional tales of life with my people)…

Missed the beginning? Go back to part one here…

Part 6 – Slowing down.

(Translated from the original by dalecooper57)

Karla is a lady now.
She tells me so.

Karla is The Numphlet to Him and to Her.
But to everyone else I am Karla.

Now when we go out, I walk next to Her, I don’t run after things that jump in the grass.
I sniff all the wonderful smells, but I don’t want to play chase anymore.
Karla still loves sticks, but only slow ones.


Sometimes after a swim, Karla feels tired now, legs all wobbly.

But when I go out to The Park with my people and I stop to swap smells with another dog, They sometimes talk to the other dog’s people.

They say things like;
– Oh isn’t she beautiful! She’s a puppy isn’t she?
– No, she’s actually nine.
– Actually she’s ten, if you can believe that. But she still thinks she’s a puppy, that’s what it is.

(I don’t know what “nine” or “ten” is, but they seem proud of me so I jump and jump, barking and wagging my tail, to make sure They know I’m happy about it)

– See? Still a puppy at heart. Karla calm down, you’re too old for that, you’ll hurt yourself.

But Karla can’t help it.
Karla loves being outside, and sometimes the feeling of freedom is too much and I have to run and run.
But the outside is scary too, there are noises outside that frighten Karla.

Sometimes, when They are talking to other dogs’ people, they’ll say;
– She’s getting terrible now, she’s frightened of everything.
She was really brave when she was a puppy, now if someone bursts a balloon a mile away, she’s off.

Oh, Karla thinks that’s unfair.

Wait. Was that a noise?


Right, Karla thinks it’s time for a trot back to the car now.
Ok, more of a gallop really.
Well, maybe just a bit faster.

– KARLA! Mind the traffic!
– Good grief, that (bad word) dog has the road sense of a watermelon.
– You bad girl, you nearly got run over.

Back at the car now.
{Innocent look} Who, me?
Happy now, even though He is angry. He’s not really angry, Karla knows.


“Ok, we’re here now, close the door and let’s go!”

Who said anything about slowing down?

Except when we get home, then Karla does feel tired.
But that’s ok too, as long as I’m near Them.
And after all, there’s always room for one more on the big bed at sleep time.


Karla dreams of chasing sticks.
Karla dreams of chasing the big stupid birds.
Karla dreams of running and running.

Karla dreams…


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Dog days 5 (occasional tales of life with my people)…

Missed the start? go to part one.

              Part five – Clumsy.

          (Trans – dalecooper57)

Karla is grown up now.
Now I am allowed to walk on my own, without my lead.
I don’t like going too far from Them when we go out though, so that’s ok.

But sometimes I get frightened by things.
When Karla was very small, Karla wasn’t afraid of anything except being left on my own.
Now there are so many places we go with bad noises and smells. Like The Town.
Karla hates the Town.


Karla gets left outside when They go into places in Town.

One day, Karla was tied to a noisy, scary thing outside, (A rotating metal advertising sign on a stand -Trans.) when the other who stays with Karla’s people sometimes, took me into Town
When I stay outside, kind others stroke me and make kind noises, but Karla still trembles.

This day, an other walked past and when they hit the scary thing, it made a frightening noise.
Karla has had enough.
Karla wants to go back home.
Karla can run very fast.

Lots of cars. Lots of people.
Karla can’t escape the noisy thing, it is chasing me.
Karla runs through the scary Town, with the frightening, clanging thing still on the end of my lead.
It’s bouncing on cars. People are shouting.

I hear my other shouting too,
– Karla, stop! Karla, come here!

But Karla runs straight across where noisy roads cross over.
Shouting is getting fainter now,
– Somebody stop her! Karla, for (bad word)’s sake!

Suddenly, a strange other grabs me as I run past.
There is not much left of the scary thing. Karla has killed it

My other catches up. Very red face, angry,
– Thanks mate. Karla, you bad girl!

When we get home, my people fuss me lots,
– Oh, look at her feet, her claws are bleeding.
– She ran off with a sign, I couldn’t catch her. Ran right over the crossroads, nearly gave me a heart attack.
– Right Karla, lampshade time.

Oh no, not the lampshade!


I have to wear this when I hurt myself, They think it is funny.
Karla doesn’t.

Once, Karla ran into a fence and hurt her ear. They took me to the Bad Place, and I had sharp, pulling things put in my ear.
And the lampshade. Again.


Still not funny.

Karla got scared by a noise another time, and ran into a very hard stone post really fast.
He made me run back to the car,  and took me to a different Bad Place.
The red stuff stopped coming out of Karla’s face before we got there.
Karla was a good girl. I licked and licked, until it had all come off my fur.

The others at the Bad Place made a fuss,
– Ooh, she’s beautiful.
– It doesn’t look too bad, we’ll give her a couple of stitches and call you later.

He went away and left Karla.

Kind others cleaned Karla’s face where it’s still sticky and sore.
Suddenly, lots of red stuff, coming out in a big spray. All over the kind people,
– Damn, think she’s nicked an artery. We’ll have to put her under and repair it.

Sharp thorn in Karla’s foot.
Ow. Karla has had enough now.
Karla will go home.
Oh, Karla can’t make her legs work.
Mmmm, lovely, warm fuzzy feeling.
Karla thinks a sleep would be nice after all.

Waking up, all dozy and warm.
Where am I? Oh, Karla remembers now.
And what’s this? Oh, another lampshade.

Karla must be more careful, They say.
But sometimes, playing is too important, and Karla forgets.

Karla has hurt her foot in the river, poked her eye on a stick chasing the little white tailed hopping things, and once, when Karla saw one of those nasty meowing things in our garden, I ran after it.
But I forgot the big, clear door was shut.
Karla hit it very fast, made me see funny shapes in my head. Dizzy.

Clumsy Karla.

But my family always looks after me.
Even if they do keep my lampshade, just in case.



Posted by on February 15, 2013 in Karla, Personal anecdote


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Dog day days 4 (occasional tales of life with my people)…

Missed the beginning of my story? start at part one.   

    Part four – Going away.

      (Trans. – dalecooper57)

Sometimes the family (not pack, now Karla has a family) goes to places away from home.

Karla loves going away.
But only if Karla and family go away together.

Sometimes the family goes away and Karla must go to Place of Lonely Dogs.

They call them Kennels.

The people are good, they are kind. But the place is full of noise.
It smells of fear.
Karla is quiet here.
At home Karla barks at everything.
Here Karla is a very good girl.
Karla gets extra walks with the kind kennel-people.

When the family come back, Karla is so happy.
But I still remember to glare at them later, to show them I am not happy being left alone.


This is the look I give them.
He calls this picture Black Lodge Dog.

The best times are when I go with them to other places.
We all go in the car, sometimes a very long time, to a new home.
New smells. So exciting.
Family takes Karla’s bed for her.
Smells safe. Karla loves her bed.

Other times, we take home with us.
He takes a big soft bag, and hard, rattling sticks, and builds a house in a field!
It’s called Tent.
We get to live outside all the time.


She and I, relaxing by tent.

Sometimes living in tent is scary.
The wind makes the walls shake and sway.
Very noisy.
I feel safer near Them.
Sometimes He says Karla is a bad girl when I sleep on his head (just to keep him safe) and wake Him up in the night.


This tent was like a big ball.

We go to lots of exciting places when we live in tent.
Many rivers to swim in, many sticks to chase.
All He wants to do is look into a little box all the time.


One day, we are playing with sticks in a river, He throws a stick, it is caught in a tree.
Karla can’t reach.
Tree is over the river.
Karla looks for Him. Karla needs help.
He is looking into his little box, laughing.

Karla really wants stick back.
Can’t quite reach.
Maybe if I stretch just a bit higher…

Not funny, no.

They take Karla to places that have lots of big open spaces to run in…


…lots of sticks to chase…


…lots of long walks to go on. We went away in tent once, and went on long steep walks every day!
(the Malvern hills – Trans.)
Here is me, with Him, resting after a long climb;


They always take me to other places that have lots of space outside…


…They even take me away with them when Karla has hurt herself…


…and we sometimes go to places where there are no other people at all…


…which is Karla’s favourite, because I love spending all my time with Them.

Karla loves going away with the family.
Karla loves coming back the most though.
It’s always good to come home, to lie in my place by Her side on the sofa.


Karla loves home best.

(Thank you to Ho for additional photos)


Posted by on December 30, 2012 in Karla, Personal anecdote, Photography, Travel


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Dog days 3…

    Part three – Growing up fast.

(Trans. – dalecooper57)

Everything is happening so fast now.
Days go past like,…like,…like things that are not here for long.

Karla goes out every day now.
Oh, Karla loves going out.
Mainly, She takes me out – He goes away in the day, to the place that makes Him smell bad – sometimes we go in the Car (the smelly box is a Car) to the places with the fun-water.
And sometimes we walk up the hard floor hill until we get to the Field.


Karla has learnt Car, and Field, and Walk, and Dinner. And lots of other words.
Karla is a Clever Girl!

Karla has leant other things too, not just words.
Karla has learnt she doesn’t like Baths at all.

One day, She took me to our Fields, near the House (new word for lair) and we were playing Fun With Sticks, our favourite game.
She was throwing away perfectly good sticks, and no matter how many times I brought them back, she didn’t understand how nice they were, and threw them away again.

Karla knows what to do with sticks.
Sticks are for chewing.
Sticks are for carrying, however big they are.


While I was looking for yet another stick that wasn’t good enough for Her, I smelled something so good.
I had to find it, it smelled so doggy, but much, much stronger.


I sniffed and sniffed and sniffed, even when She called to me.
And then I found it!

Oh, it was so powerful.
I just had to smell like that too.

I rolled, and rolled, and rolled…

She said
– Karla, what did you do?
Oh, you smell awful!

She said
– You’re going to need a Bath…

When we got home, He was there.
He said
– What the hell has she rolled in?
She said
– I think it’s fox poo.
He said
– Right, in the Bath then.


           Nooooo! Not a Bath!

I knew. I knew what He was going to do.
He tried to pretend something nice was Upstairs.
Ha! Karla is a Clever Girl.
Karla doesn’t want to go.

He not play fair. Put Karla’s lead on her. Drag Karla up to Bath.

Smells wrong.
Bright, shiny.
Slippy in Bath, Karla can’t stand up properly.

He makes it Rain really hard.
Rubs horrible smelling stuff in Karla’s fur.

Karla has had enough.



Now, Karla doesn’t go in Bath anymore.
He makes it rain hard, and really cold outside instead.

It’s still better.

But Karla likes fun-water.
Water that moves, and is deep.
Water to chase Sticks in.
Water to dive in.

Look at what a good swimmer Karla is!

Karla can Swim very well.
Karla knows Swim.
She says
– Do you want to go for a swim?
Karla sooooo happy. Jumping. Barking. Yes please!

We go in the Car to The Meadow, which is like really big field, but with long fun-water at the bottom.
It has Sticks, and Mud, and lots of exciting smells.
And sometimes, there are little, furry, hopping things. They run really fast.
Karla always chases them.
They always get away, but Karla doesn’t mind.


Here’s me with a really good Stick in the Meadow.

And then, after we walk round The Meadow, we get to the really fun part.

Karla runs to the fun-water, and…

Karla leaps!


Leap to part four.

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Posted by on December 9, 2012 in Karla, Personal anecdote


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Dog days (occasional tales of life with my people)…

A year ago this week, we lost our beautiful dog, Karla.
Fate dropped her into our lives when she was given to us in the street.
For thirteen years, we were privileged to share her life.

         Part one – Beginnings.

(Translated from the original by dalecooper57)

May 28th – July 28th 1998.



Soft, furry bodies.




It’s been dark and light lots of times now. They’re called days I think. In the light parts we fight, and play, and eat, and play, and fight…
In the dark, we sleep.

There are…others. Who are not us.
But they are kind, they feed us.
The day before this one, they took two of us away.
Will they be back?

This day, an other came. It (she?) picked me up. Only our others did that before. After, she talked to our others. She went away.

This day, the other other came back. She took me away to her lair. She smelt wrong.
Her pack sounded angry.
Now I’m back here, but something is wrong, we can’t go in for some reason.
The other is just standing here, holding me.
Many others everywhere.
Lots of smells.

Two others, talking to the other that holds me. Sounds like;
-Can I stroke her?
Gentle, stroking my head.
-Can we take her home?
-Yes, if you like.
-No, you can’t just give away your puppy.
-She’s not mine, I’m not allowed.

Can’t hear. More talking.
I’m passed to a new other.
This one smells right.

Moving. Long. Bit frightening.

New lair. Smells good. One more other. Growls a bit. Not frightened though, smells good too.

They want me to stay with them!
I heard them talking while the small-other and some small-others from away were playing with me.

July 29th onwards…A New Life.

I like it here.
Even the other that growled when I came here the day before this day is kind now.
He is pack leader.
But I don’t think the she-other thinks so.

They feed me. It’s nice. Milky and soft.
Playing for long.
Very sleepy.
In the dark.
I sleep on my own, on a soft thing. Smells nice, smells of She-other, in a lair with a slippy floor.
Frightened when I wake up.
Still dark.
Scratch on door. Nobody comes.
Am I alone again?
Mess on floor. Didn’t mean to.

Light comes. I hear noise.
HE comes!
SHE comes!
Very happy!
Mess again, so happy.
They are not angry.
Haven’t got the hang of these ears yet.

Been here many days now. Learning things. Others are people.
My people are kind. They feed me. We play all the time.
Don’t like sleeping alone. Scratch door, make noise.
HE comes, growls, not happy.
But takes me to their high lair.
Warm. Happy.
Sleep near my people.

I love it here.


Here I am, outside for the first time since I arrived.

I’m now allowed to go outside,  and to go in the noisy, moving thing that takes my people to other places.
Sometimes, it takes us to the Bad Place. It smells of wrongness and fear, but there is a nice she-people (woman) who makes good, calm sounds, and helps me feel better if I hurt myself.

I’m a bit clumsy. I fell off high, onto hard. On my head.

HE made kind noses, he looked worried. I licked him, HE smiled.


Now, my ears stand up. Both of them.

Now it’s cold outside, I don’t mind. My people look funny in their extra skins when they take me out.
Learning more. Walk is good. Dinner is good.

Karla is good!  I am Karla. Proud of my name.

I have lots of stories already.

I’ll tell you some more soon, got to go and play now…

Come on, let’s go and play…


Posted by on November 21, 2012 in Karla, Personal anecdote


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All aboard – mini breaks (short tales from the coach)…

Since the story of my time living briefly on the road in a coach called The Wizard elicited such a positive response, I thought I’d tie up that episode with some other recollections. So, in no particular chronological order, here are just a few examples of life in and around that magic bus…

Camp fire.
At one point during our stay on the farm in Goudhurst, we had a good few fellow travellers camping with us, most in vehicles of some sort, but some hardy souls opted for tents or Benders

One of the more eccentric of these folks was called Bible John, and as you can imagine from his name, he was somewhat evangelical in his outlook and had the Moses-like facial hair to go with it.
Not that his zealotry has any bearing on the story, it just gives a more complete mental picture of the victim character.

Now, John was more than a little strange in general, and tended to pretty much keep to himself a lot of the time, especially in the evenings. He spent the time alone in his small hike tent, muttering to himself by the light of a gas lantern, and occasionally shouting stuff I never understood.

The events of the night in question had to pieced together from the testimony of John himself, and one other person who happened to be passing at the crucial moment, but from what we could ascertain, what happened was this;

John had a small, basic gas lamp and stove, both of which were the popular blue CampingGazâ„¢ type, which required you to screw the lamp/stove fitting directly into the top of the cylinder, puncturing the thin metal skin with the spiked fitting as you tightened it up.
The best time to do this is obviously in daylight, that way you are reminded, should that really be a necessary, that this operation should not be attempted in the vicinity of naked flames.

Although it was still gloriously warm and sunny at the time, you forgot that it was actually mid-September – lulled by the power of that Indian “second summer of love” – and it got dark much earlier than you expected, and more quickly too.
John got caught out. Unprepared, he hadn’t changed the empty cylinder in his lantern before it became to dark to see what he was doing. He managed to detach the previous cylinder from the lamp fitting, but was having trouble locating the new one onto the threaded pin.
His solution to this problem was to light a candle to provide some illumination, (not considered safe for use in tents, candles were only kept for emergencies) which he stood on a box.
He then had both hands free to tackle the difficult task of assembling a gas lamp, lying down, in a small tent, by the light of a flickering, and above all else, very close candle flame.

I’m fairly sure that, as intelligent people, you’re way ahead of me by now, but I shall continue nevertheless.

As the point of the fitting’s spike went through the skin of the cylinder, expelling that telltale ppfffttt of escaping gas, everything happened rather quickly.
A snake of fire shot from candle to lamp in a fraction of a second, engulfing John in a rapidly expanding fireball that continued past him, through the tent, and up into the dark of the orchard.
From the outside, apparently the tent suddenly lit up, expanded imperceptibly and then…vanished.


Being made of super-flammable nylon, the cloud of burning gas had virtually vaporized the tent in a split second, the only part remaining being the groundsheet, protected as it was by John.
As for John himself, he escaped remarkably unscathed, although he would probably argue with that analysis.
His beard, normally a cross between biblical prophet and unkempt hedge, was more or less gone, reduced to frazzled stubble. No eyebrows remained, giving him a permanently surprised look, and a large part of his unruly hair, especially the front, had been removed too.
He looked like a cartoon character who has been given a big ball with TNT written on it, a sizzling fuse on top, and not got rid of it quickly enough.

When we left the farm not long after, John had already gone elsewhere with some other travellers, so I don’t know what became of him.

I hope his eyebrows grew back.

Sausage dog.
If you’re particularly squeamish, you may want to prepare yourself for this one. It’s nothing terrible but, well, you’ll see…

There were, as I mentioned in my earlier post, several dogs around the camp at any given time, and they were generally well behaved, but dogs will be dogs, and occasionally things went missing.
One of these incidents involved the disappearance of a whole salami from someone’s truck, and since nobody was owning up to sausage rustling, we all assumed it was a canine perpetrator.
There was no way of proving which animal was responsible though, so it was written off to experience and people made sure cupboards were secured and van doors kept shut.

That was, until a few days later…

I forget the dog’s name, he was a mongrel, probably a German shepherd cross of some sort, and he came to his owner looking sheepish and uncomfortable, and doing the “worm bottom shuffle” that any dog owner would recognise.


Doing the necessary inspection, the owner straight away saw that there was a thin length of something extruding from his dog’s rear end.

Now, I shall spare you the details, but it was swiftly established, through a process of deduction and the observation of physical evidence, that this animal was indeed our nefarious canine sausage thief and he was now paying the price of his terrible crime.
The spiral-cut wax coating on the salami was duly dispensed in a continuous strip over the space of about a fortnight, and had to be snipped off with scissors in 3-4 inch lengths by his unimpressed owner.

This was considered to be sufficient punishment for his misdemeanour.


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Posted by on October 28, 2012 in Personal anecdote, Travel


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